Le meilleur des prédictions 2022 du Nieman Journalism Lab

Chaque année, le Nieman Journalism Lab publie les prédictions de nombreux professionnels des médias anglo-saxons pour les mois à venir. J’ai sélectionné les textes les plus intéressants de l’édition 2022, parmi plus d’une centaine de contributions. Une liste non exhaustive mais qui fera sans doute écho aux thématiques que j’explore sur HyperNews.

🗞 L’avenir du produit média

Le journalisme peut-il survivre dans un monde “post-news” ?

“The fundamental question all journalists — especially those just joining the profession — should be grappling with is: How can journalism add value in a world where some of journalism’s most potent tools have been made irrelevant?”

“News organizations are increasingly moving from being a primary source of information to being a source of validation of already-consumed news.”

Can journalism survive in a post-news world?
“In a world of surplus information, news as a product is fast losing its relevance.”

Avoir toujours plus d’info est le problème, pas la solution

“Journalism now functions to condense, contextualize, and curate the sheer volume of information that is out there and accessible to all — to stand between readers and the abyss of the infodemic.”

“Ironically, the news product that does this best is an old-fashioned print newspaper. (...) The news product that does this worst is a news website”

More news is the problem, not the solution
“Journalism now functions to condense, contextualize, and curate the sheer volume of information that is out there and accessible to all — to stand between readers and the abyss of the infodemic.”

L’audience de demain : moins massive mais plus obsessionnelle

“The line between politics and news media is becoming blurred to a point of little distinction in the eyes of some, perhaps many, Americans. When we think we’re asking survey respondents about their consumption of news, they might as well be telling us about their consumption of politics.”

Tomorrow’s news audience: Smaller, but more obsessed
“It’s a whole new era of convergence, one that a growing segment of the American news audience distrusts — but also can’t resist.”

Le contrecoup de la « nichification » du journalisme

“All types of news sites feel the pull of incentives to develop loyal, niche audiences rather than more heterogeneous ones.”

“2022 may bring us closer to confronting the lack of resources for news and media forums that bring together broad and diverse publics on local and national levels.”

The coming backlash to journalism’s nichification
“As with advertising, the nichification of journalism doesn’t simply cater to existing differences in news consumers’ interests. It reinforces and magnifies such differences.”

✍️ Pratique du journalisme

Revenons au sens initial du fact-checking

“This raises an important question: Who is the audience for the journalistic genre of fact-checking? (...) Would those readers have even heard about the debunked conspiracy theories before the debunking?”

“This is, of course, not to say that journalists should stop checking facts. They should. But do it within your article, not in a separate fact-checking piece. Those separate pieces should be left to the third-party fact-checkers.”

Leave fact-checking to the fact-checkers
“People use fact-checks to dunk on the other side, to cherry-pick information, and to counter-fact-check other fact-checks.”

Nous assommerons encore les gens avec des faits peu contextualisés

“Political media will continue to use false equivalency, problematic images, and the perpetual belief that objectivity is white, male, and affluent. Climate change will continue to get short shrift because it’s too technical, it’s too scary, it’s not sexy.”

“News reports rarely tell us when public comment periods on bills are open, so the public can weigh in. We often see the act of telling our audiences these things as somehow not objective.”

We’ll keep pummeling people with facts that leave out context
“If we can’t give clear, accurate messages about something as transparent as an infectious disease, what hope do we have for the complexity of climate change?”

Tous les journalistes doivent s’intéresser au changement climatique

“Many news organizations, pressed for resources, still view climate through the lens of science or the environment, siloing it off from the business desk, politics, entertainment, and more.”

“There have never been so many resources to help journalists tell climate stories, either. For example, investigative journalists can now take advantage of new datasets coming online from satellite companies, such as measurements of carbon dioxide and methane emissions.”

This is the year we all become climate reporters
“Like the high tides invading Miami Beach, the climate change story is leaking into the newsroom.”

Etre plus honnête sur les biais des journalistes

“It’s pretty undeniable that, collectively, journalists have a lot more in common with each other than we often do with the communities we serve.”

Being honest about how journalists are different from their communities
“Journalism is a team sport. We rely on each other to help us best reflect a complicated world and to wrestle with the most accurate versions of a variety of perspectives in good faith.”

👀 Nouveaux formats

Lier le contenu et le format devient une compétence clé

“We can no longer separate how stories flow, how they are updated, and how they are promoted in social media and newsletters from the technology that allows for the constant flow of information.”

“In 2022, the emphasis on how content and format come together should be a centerpiece of strategic discussions in every newsroom”

Linking content and format will be key
“To do this effectively, journalists must conceptualize stories through an honest discussion that has format at its core.”

La génération Z exige de l’incarnation

“Gen Z values authenticity. (...) I believe they’ll demand these things of the news industry, and that it will lead to a call for radical transparency.”

“Gen Z will also ask to see more primary sources and more disclosure of the stock holdings and political affiliations of journalists.”

Gen Z demands personality from journalists
“In 2022, we must embrace innovation and take Gen Z seriously as news consumers.”

L’enquête statistique comme levier de confiance

“To rebuild that trust, the stories we publish need to stand up to greater scrutiny. Receipts are required.”

“In 2022, newsrooms will invest in cutting-edge methods for uncovering the truth. They’ll begin to build innovative digital research labs equipped to use automation, computation, quantitative analyses, and forensic techniques.”

Statistical sleuthing brings trust back to journalism
“Newsrooms will begin to build innovative digital research labs equipped to use automation, computation, quantitative analyses, and forensic techniques.”

💵 Business

La croissance des abonnements numériques va ralentir, mais ce n’est pas forcément une mauvaise nouvelle

“Slowing growth will renew our imperative to focus on the needs of our readers and the quality of our products — simply because it leaves us with no other choice”

“Readers who choose to pay for us will be more intentional and less transactional”

Digital subscriber growth will slow, but that won’t be all bad
“Slowing growth will renew our imperative to focus on the needs of our readers and the quality of our products — simply because it leaves us with no other choice.”

Nous devons mieux définir ce qu’est un business média “successful” et soutenable

“The journalism industry is great at celebrating editorial accomplishments and revenue generation, but pretty terrible at defining what it means for an organization to be successful”

“We created a Sustainability Audit, (...) a list of about 100 questions, documents, and metrics we ask news organizations to provide.”

The year we’ll be able to tell who’s built a successful local news business
“I’ve seen ‘success stories’ suddenly shut down sites or lay off half their staff in a day. And while ‘sustainability’ is the word the industry throws around to describe long-term success, no one has clearly defined it.”

Des coopératives d’info financés par le contribuable pour sauver la presse locale ?

“Either we build non-market systemic support for local journalism, or we condemn entire communities to a future of news deserts.”

“We might call these publicly funded news cooperatives Public Media Centers. (...) Kernels of this alternative system already exist within community infrastructures, including public access cable outlets, public broadcasting stations, libraries, and even post offices.”

The local rise of Public Media Centers
“Journalism’s transitional moment could be transformational — but only if we reinvent our news media, not resuscitate failing commercial models.”

💼 Développement & Management

Investissons dans les talents et les outils

“The news industry is a technology- and talent-based industry that has for decades neglected investment in both.”

“Executives and owners may protest that only big successful titles like The New York Times (...) or publicly funded media like the BBC can afford to invest. But that’s simply not true."

Invest in tools and talent, and newsrooms can finish the job
“The furniture industry seems able to invest in its future. Maybe we can, too?”

Les vieux médias revoient leurs stratégies en matière de podcast

“Remember all those pivots to video? The same thing will happen to podcasting.”

Legacy news orgs dump their podcast strategies
“Remember all those pivots to video? The same thing will happen to podcasting.”

Préparez les diplômés en journalisme aux nouveaux métiers du numérique

“Most of your journalism graduates probably aren’t going to work as reporters and editors. (...) The economics of the current environment don’t support thousands of new graduates every year moving into traditional journalism roles”

“The good news is that there are jobs they can fill. Important jobs. Jobs that influence storytelling and affect democratic ideals. These are jobs across industries that rely on the conception, development, and maintenance of digital products. And these products aren’t going to manage themselves!”

All these new products won’t manage themselves
“Most of your journalism graduates probably aren’t going to work as reporters and editors.”

Créer de la résilience dans les rédactions

“There have been a series of job announcements and postings for “operations editors” at places like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and others.”

“This is about the internal processes that enable a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture and the internal health and growth of our people and teams”

Building operational resilience into newsrooms
“Suddenly, operations isn’t just process — it’s the whole strategy.”

Retrouvez toutes les prédictions 2022 du Nieman Lab ici.